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2024-05-25 02:29
2024-05-25 02:29



For those traveling to South Korea, it may be necessary to access Chinese yuan (Renminbi) for various purposes. However, the process of obtaining Chinese yuan while in South Korea may not be simple or straightforward. In this article, we will explore some of the options and considerations for obtaining Chinese yuan in South Korea.

Using Local Banks

One option for obtaining Chinese yuan in South Korea is through local banks. However, not all banks in South Korea offer this service and restrictions may apply. Additionally, there may be fees or limits on the amount that can be exchanged. It is recommended to call ahead and confirm the availability of this service and any associated fees or restrictions.

Exchanging Currency at the Airport

For those traveling through the airport, currency exchange services are available. These services typically have competitive exchange rates but may charge fees. It is important to compare rates and fees before committing to an exchange. Additionally, visitors may want to consider exchanging a small amount of money and using other options to obtain additional Chinese yuan to minimize fees.

Using an ATM

An alternative to exchanging cash is to use an ATM to withdraw Chinese yuan. Many ATMs in South Korea are compatible with foreign bank cards and can dispense Chinese yuan. However, there may be fees associated with using foreign ATMs, including fees from both the foreign bank and the local bank hosting the ATM. It is important to check with your bank beforehand to confirm any associated fees and to ensure that your bank card will work in foreign ATMs.

Finding Currency Exchange Centers

Finally, visitors can find currency exchange centers throughout South Korea. These centers may offer competitive exchange rates for cash transactions but may also charge fees. It is important to compare rates and fees before committing to an exchange. Additionally, visitors may want to exchange a small amount of money and use other options to obtain additional Chinese yuan to minimize fees.


Overall, there are various options for obtaining Chinese yuan in South Korea, including local banks, airport currency exchange, ATMs, and currency exchange centers. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, with fees, availability, and restrictions varying between each option. Visitors should research and compare options to determine the best option for their needs. Additionally, it is recommended to exchange a small amount of money and use other options to obtain additional Chinese yuan to minimize fees.

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上一篇:在韩国怎么取人民币呢(在韩国怎么取人民币呢现在) 下一篇:在韩国长居需要什么(韩国久居需要什么)